aahepp PHUN looking for its continuation
aahepp IMRN watch for the continuation push from its news
aahepp EVFM popping on its news
John Morning all
aahepp morning
aahepp FLMN watch for pop off this halt
aahepp BJDX watch for a continuation from its news
aahepp IMMX popping on its trial data
aahepp BNGO popping on its data
aahepp IMMX looking for the $8 test
aahepp TAL light continuation
aahepp DIDI on its continuation
aahepp PURA with some bs news. No reaction as of yet
aahepp PETZ on the continuation
aahepp BNGO looking for a bounce
aahepp PHUN watch for the $3 test after its pullback
aahepp IMMX watch for the mornign session break
aahepp CBGL testing the 21d from the bottom side
aahepp BBIG looking for hte hod test
aahepp BBIG on the look above
aahepp BARK from the watch list pushing
aahepp SENS $3 test
aahepp Looks like that Uranium names trying to push again * UEC * UUUU
aahepp VINE 9.33 IPO high looking to be tested
aahepp VINE on the break
aahepp TAL looking for the hod
aahepp VINE looking for the $10 test
aahepp PHUN got its $3 test
aahepp PIXY paid on the 5%'er
aahepp OPTI pushign again after its copper break
aahepp PIXY 1.26 next major
aahepp /NG (nat gas) popping again
aahepp BBIG $3 tested
aahepp PHUN 3.18 next major
aahepp See you all in the AM